Reptile Parties

We love making each child’s party a day they’ll never forget. 

We partner with Sensational Pets in Santa Barbara to bring an array of reptiles that kids or adults can hold up close and learn about firsthand. There will be lots of Ohhs and Awws and squirmy faces at this party.

Prices start at $525 for groups less than 25 or less.

*Holiday prices may be higher

*Please note that Santa Barbara city and county parks do not allow petting zoos. Our petting zoos must be on private property.


Our zoo is unique & kids get a lot of one-on-one time with our animals. 

Book your party here.

Complete the form to begin your party booking. Once we have received your form and deposit, we will schedule a call with you.


Customer Quotes


“We love SB Party Animals! They brought a wonderful variety of animals to our school carnival, and the kids loved it!!”

—Kim Argon

Begin your magical experience with us now.  

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